EPACA – European Public Affairs Consultancies’ Association

The European Public Affairs Consultancies Association (EPACA) is the representative trade body for public affairs consultancies working with EU institutions.
EPACA promotes and provides training to all member companies on its Code of Conduct.
EPACA has established rigorous, formal self-regulatory arrangements, including a totally independent professional practices panel for disciplinary hearings.
EPACA membership currently comprises 42 companies with over 600 staff, and represents a high proportion of professional EU Public Affairs services providers.

EPACA members have elected a

Board of Directors

of 15 members

EPACA defends and promotes ethical, transparent lobbying with all relevant stakeholders including the media
EPACA engages with the EU institutions on all issues related to lobbying and transparency that could impact the interests of its members
EPACA has a Code of Conduct for its members that goes further than the Transparency Register Code, notably in its application to all contacts related to EU lobbying with all external stakeholders (e.g. media, NGOs, etc), not just the European Commission and European Parliament
EPACA has an independent Professional Practices Panel that reviews complaints when necessary, provides guidance on ethical and industry issues to the EPACA Management Committee, and is invited to participate in the life of the Association in other ways, including participation in the Annual General Meeting of EPACA
EPACA provides training and promotes best practice to its members
EPACA promotes the public affairs consultancy sector, particularly as a career choice for young professionals