The European Public Affairs Consultancies’ Association proudly invites young Public Affairs professionals to participate in the eighth John Houston EPACA Essay Contest.
Following the tradition of the contest, EPACA wishes to continue to promote the Public Affairs profession by recognizing original thought and writing talent. We encourage young Public Affairs professionals to help shape attitudes both within our profession and outside, by sharing your views and experiences in an essay competition.
The Theme of this year’s competition is:
“The Impact of digitalization on Public Affairs”
The contributions must be in English and should use a maximum of 300 words, excluding the title.
All young professionals under the age of 30 (born on or after 1 January 1988) working for consultancies who are members of EPACA are invited to join the competition.
Contributions should be sent to the EPACA Secretariat by e-mail ( by 5 February 2018.
The jury is composed of the members of the EPACA Professional Practice Panel: Lisette Tiddens, Tom Spencer, David Coen and Jean Claude Lahaut.
The prize
EPACA will offer the winner a training scholarship of 2000 euro. The best contributions will be published on the EPACA website and in the EPACA newsletter.
When will the winner be announced?
The winner will be announced at the EPACA Annual General Meeting on 8 March 2018, where the prize will be handed over by the EPACA Professional Practice Panel.